Solo porque algo nos parezca normal a nosotros, no significa que realmente lo sea. Por ejemplo, que sobresalga un perno de tu neumático quizá no te parezca gran cosa, pero para los que saben de coches, les provocará un escalofrío.

Este hombre se hace llamar online BonusSatis, y ha sido testigo de tantas locuras mientras trabaja en una tienda de neumáticos, que ha comenzado a hacer fotos y compartirlas en Imgur. La gente no tardó en verlas y se volvieron virales.

Si la gente hubiera seguido conduciendo en estas condiciones, habrían acabado muy mal.



Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

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"Las tiendas de neumáticos no son de ambiente suave. Si te gritan, es que te quieren. Así que si nadie te grita o te corrige, es que nadie te quiere ayudar. La gente no entiende que los neumáticos no están hechos iguales. Nos preguntan por un neumático de 80$ de Walmart y luego que si los nuestros cuestan más. Recibes lo que pagas. Son distintos en durabilidad, manejo, distancia de frenado, comodidad y ruido."


    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Me preguntó si se le había pinchado.

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    "Si quieres saber más sobre tus neumáticos, no preguntes en el concesionario. Lleva el coche a 2 talleres distintos y que el mecánico te explique, no temas preguntar por detalles."

    "Deberíais revisarlos cada 2 o 3 meses, te ahorras muchos problemas con la presión correcta. El mecánico los inspecciona y verá los problemas."


    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Neumático pinchado y desalineado que fue usado demasiado tiempo

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Donde va el peso de la rueda / Donde no va

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Se desgastó tanto que se pinchó

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Como no estaba correctamente atornillado, no paraba de hacer ruido

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Dijo que su neumático estaba raro

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Casi un millón de millas

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Se ha roto algo en el lateral, causando burbujas

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    También en Bored Panda

    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Este coche se chocó con un ciervo, aun tenía restos de su pelaje

    BonusSatis Reportar


    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    bonita chapuza

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    BonusSatis Reportar

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    Tire Shop Employee Shares Pics Of The Things He Has Seen On The Job, And Here Are 28 Of The Craziest Ones

    Otro peso que se ha ido donde no debía

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