Viajar es algo que la mayoría de nosotros desea hacer. Por desgracia, la pandemia actual ha puesto fin a estos sueños. Tenemos que esperar para poder ver todos los lugares increíbles que hay en el mundo, visitar a la familia en otros países o irnos de vacaciones que tanto necesitamos.

Este fotógrafo italiano, Davide Anzimanni, ha viajado a muchos lugares y captura las más bellas fotografías en ellos. Quizá ver las increíbles fotos y lugares te ayude a saciar esa sed de viajar, o te inspire a dónde ir si ya puedes salir de tu país.

Más información: Instagram |



This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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Davide Anzimanni consigue combinar a la perfección sus dos pasiones: los viajes y la fotografía. Además, ha creado un negocio a partir de ello, lo cual es muy impresionante hoy en día, cuando todo el mundo quiere ser un influencer. Sus fotografías son únicas y llamativas.


This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

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Davide es de Undine e ingeniero de profesión. Decidió pasar su tiempo libre viajando y capturando fotos de los lugares que visita. Encontró su pasión por la fotografía cuando aún estaba en la escuela y nunca la ha dejado. En 2018, comenzó a compartir su trabajo en Instagram y notó que a la gente le gusta mucho lo que hace.


This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

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Davide aprendió todo lo relacionado con la fotografía por su cuenta, mejorando al ganar experiencia y simplemente haciendo lo que le gusta. Poco a poco, fue mejorando. Sus habilidades son ahora comparables a las de los fotógrafos profesionales que han estado en la escuela durante muchos años.


This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

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¿Qué opinas de estas fotos? ¿Te han inspirado para viajar o te han dado alguna idea sobre qué lugar del mundo te gustaría visitar? Cuéntanoslo en los comentarios de abajo y no te olvides de votar tu foto favorita. Ve a las páginas de Davide en las redes sociales para mostrarle un poco de amor y apoyo si te gusta lo que hace.


This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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This Photographer Is Traveling The World With His Camera, Here Are 30 Of His Most Beautiful Pictures

davide.anzimanni Reportar

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