La maquilladora residente en Moscú Oksana Trunova y la estilista Olga Tarasova han vuelto a poner las sonrisas en los rostros de las mujeres cuando quieren un cambio, pero no tienen idea de por dónde empezar. El dúo comenzó "cambios de imagen a ciegas" hace cinco años, y su base de fans ha crecido desde entonces a 32,700 seguidores en Instagram.


La idea surgió después de que Oksana, quien anteriormente trabajaba en un salón de belleza, tuviera mujeres que le pedían que "hiciera algo" que cambiara su apariencia, pero "no sabían lo que querían". Hoy, Oksana y Olga disfrutan de ver los ojos de sus felices clientes que acaban de experimentar una transformación dramática. “No solo somos estilistas, también somos psicólogas”, dijo la maquilladora a Bored Panda en una entrevista que puedes leer en su totalidad a continuación.

Por lo tanto, vamos a ver los cambios de imagen de "estilo libre" más asombrosos de Oksana y Olga que muestran cómo las cosas aparentemente pequeñas hacen maravillas cuando se trata de la forma en que nos vemos... y sentimos acerca de nosotros mismos. Y cuando hayas terminado de leer esta publicación, mira otras transformaciones inceríbles también aquí.

Más información: Instagram | VK


30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    En una entrevista con Bored Panda, Oksana dijo que adora todo sobre su trabajo. "Es como un pasatiempo para mí, mi cosa favorita sin la cual nunca podría imaginarme a mí misma". La maquilladora y fundadora de la Academia Oksana Trunova dijo que lo que más la conmueve en los cambios de imagen son los "ojos felices de nuestros clientes".

    Cuando se trata de una transformación específica, Oksana explicó que siempre habla con su cliente antes de que comience el procedimiento de transformación, para que la maquilladora pueda conocerlas mejor. No existe un estilo universal que se ajuste a todas las mujeres y Oksana nos aseguró que "el maquillaje de cada participante es individual".

    "Tomamos en cuenta el estilo de vida, la edad y la personalidad del participante". De esta manera, dijo Oksana, "ya no somos simplemente estilistas", se convierten en "psicólogos".

    Los comentarios de las mujeres que se sometieron a la transformación siempre hacen llorar a Oksana y a su colega Olga. “La gente cambia no solo externamente, sino también internamente”, dijo la maquilladora.


    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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    30 Women Tell A Makeup Artist And Hairstylist Duo To "Do Something" But Don't Know What, So They Freestyle It (New Pics)

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