Un buen maquillaje puede inspirar a una persona a tener más confianza y vivir su vida al máximo. La maquilladora experta y gurú de la belleza Goar Avetisyan cree que cada mujer es una estrella de Hollywood. Consigue transformar a mujeres con severos problemas de piel o enfermas, cambiándolas para ayudarles a sentirse tan bellas por fuera como por dentro.

Aquí debajo puedes ver las inspiradoras fotos de antes y después, votar por tus favoritas y decirnos por qué te han gustado en los comentarios. Y si queréis más, aquí tenéis la lista anterior de Goar.

Esta experta en belleza tiene muchísimo éxito en internet, con 9,7 millones de seguidores en Instagram, 282000 en Youtube, y  su propio estudio y escuela de belleza en el centro de Moscú.

Más información en: Instagram | Facebook | | | YouTube



30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

    goar_avetisyan Reportar

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    Goar es incansable y le encanta compartir su amor por la vida con todos los que puede. Proporciona lecciones de maquillaje y belleza en persona y a través de vídeo.

    Se mudó a Rusia con su familia cuando solo tenía 1 año. Su camino a la fama comenzó cuando era adolescente, pues con solo 11 años empezó a experimentar con el maquillaje.


    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    A los 16 ya maquillaba a amigas y conocidas, y con el tiempo, lo que era un hobby se convirtió en su trabajo.

    Goar tiene 27 años y el pasado Julio se convirtió en madre tras dar a luz a un niño sano de 4 kilos. Compartió su alegría con sus seguidores en Instagram, recibiendo casi 2,5 millones de likes.


    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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    30 Incredible Makeup Transformations That Prove “Every Woman Is A Hollywood Star” (New Pics)

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