Las rosas son rojas y las violetas azules. Aunque podemos discutir sobre las sutilezas de esta popular línea que mide los colores y nuestros conocimientos botánicos, más o menos podemos llegar al acuerdo de que es cierto. O no muy lejos de lo que la gente considera cierto.


Pero si jugamos a otro tipo de juego y desafiamos la noción misma de verdad, esta página de Twitter con juego de palabras titulada “True, I guess...” (Cierto, supongo...) hace exactamente lo que parece: compartir ejemplos que son técnicamente ciertos. Combinando el humor y un enfoque similar al del cumplimiento malicioso, la gente está compartiendo soluciones muy literales a problemas, preguntas y tareas aleatorias.

A continuación recopilamos algunos de los posts más divertidos que pueden hacer que te encojas de hombros y digas "Supongo que tienen razón".


“True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

SteelToeStilettos Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    StrikingPercentage89 Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    marciucclaudiu Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    smeggysmeg Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    jinwoo1162 Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    immoleight__me Reportar

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    Asuncion Guerra
    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 1 año DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Jajajjajaja, la hostia se ha escuchado en Sebastopol

    También en Bored Panda

    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    Nep_Nep_Nep_Nep_Nep Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    ziad4826 Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    También en Bored Panda

    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    “True, I Guess…”: 45 Hilarious Times It Hurt To Admit These People Were Technically Right

    trueiguess_ Reportar

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    María p.g
    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 1 año DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cada vez que leo Walmart pienso en un Gadis mezclado con un chino, tipo un supermercado donde encuentras de todo

    También en Bored Panda