¿Sabes esa situación incómoda cuando amas a los animales pero no puedes tener una mascota debido a las alergias de tu familia? Bueno, apostamos a que no se te ha ocurrido crear un servicio de transporte de animales.

Hamilton Taurino, fundador de “Taxi Dog”, es chófer de perros, gatos e incluso pájaros. Hace de tres a cuatro viajes al día y nunca pierde la oportunidad de tomarse un selfie con sus pasajeros. ¡Aquí puedes ver los muchos viajes que Hamilton ha realizado con estos animalitos!

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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Todo comenzó hace unos dos años cuando Hamilton estaba visitando a un amigo que tenía un perro. De repente, el perro comenzó a tener convulsiones, por lo que Hamilton trató de llamar a tres taxis y dos Ubers, pero nadie quería llevar al pobre perro al veterinario. Fue entonces cuando el hombre tuvo la idea de comenzar a transportar animales él mismo.

Ahora, "Taxi Dog" es la principal fuente de ingresos de Hamilton y está más que feliz de trabajar con los clientes más amorosos del mundo.


40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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Le preguntamos a Hamilton cómo se siente al ver y ayudar a muchos animales todos los días. El hombre compartió que es simplemente maravilloso (no habría adivinado de otra manera). "Todos los días hago nuevos amigos que siempre son cariñosos y fieles".


40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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La idea de tomarse selfies con los pasajeros surgió cuando Hamilton estaba llevando a un Rottweiler. Estaba junto al asiento del conductor y el hombre se moría por sacarse una foto con él. Desde entonces, Hamilton se toma selfies con cada mascota que transporta.


40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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Los dueños de las mascotas generalmente solicitan los servicios de Hamilton para llevar a sus peludos a clínicas veterinarias para diversos tratamientos o exámenes, tiendas de mascotas, viajes, de compras o a la playa.

La parte más agradable del trabajo de Hamilton es cuando trae mascotas de vuelta a casa sabiendo que el animal está sano y feliz.


40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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40 Selfies This Guy Has Taken With The Passengers Of His “Pet Taxi” Business

Hamilton Taurino Reportar

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