Una encuesta entre 2500 personas, ha revelado que pasamos 1 hora y 42 minutos a la semana sentados en el retrete. Unos 92 días durante toda la vida. Pero cuando veas estos retretes, seguro que no duras dentro ni un minuto. Ni apoyarías tu querido trasero en ellos. Toilets With Threatening Auras (Retretes con auras amenazadoras) es un proyecto dedicado enteramente a recopilar urinarios malditos de cualquier lugar del planeta, y hay algunos que dan para película de terror.


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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 5 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Como esté en una discoteca...vamos, si no estás suficientemente borracho y mareado para vomitar, la decoración hará el resto, jajajaja


    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 5 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ¿dónde es esto? deberían poner el país y ciudad dónde se hallan.


    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 5 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    creo que han puesto las muñecas ahí, justo para hacer la foto, nadie en su sano juicio pone muñecas ahí, incluso incomoda el paso.


    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 5 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    La gente con vértigo, van a tener un serio problema.


    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    Rocio Lopez Mancinella
    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 5 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    espero que no se este muy descompuesto....bha! da lo mismo despues del segundo peldaño

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 5 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Un poquito retrasados los que lo construyeron...


    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    Rocio Lopez Mancinella
    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 5 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    lo imagino con un coro de angeles anunciando al 2santo escusado", porq iluminado ya está


    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

    La mejor atracción familiar de Edimburgo

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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    There's A Facebook Group That Posts Toilets With Threatening Auras, And Here's 40 Of The Best Ones

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