Cuando miras los dos retratos de una persona que hace el fotógrafo Dylan Hamm, no se notan grandes diferencias a primera vista, casi parecen iguales. Pero se vuelve más interesante cuando analizar los rasgos, los cambios de expresión o en los ojos causados por las circunstancias de la sesión de fotos. En uno de los retratos, el modelo está vestido y en el otro totalmente desnudo.


Estar desnudo frente a una cámara es probablemente algo fuera de la zona de confort de mucha gente, dependiendo de su nivel de autoconfianza. Y este fue el plan creativo de Dylan Hamm cuando en enero de 2016 invitó a extraños a una sesión de fotos con la meta de captar como nuestras caras dicen más que las palabras.

¿Puedes adivinar en qué foto está la persona desnuda?

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    El fotógrafo no especifica cuál de las dos imágenes es en la que el modelo está desnudo, convirtiendo la experiencia en un juego de adivinanzas. "Elegí mezclarlas para que sea más difícil para el espectador y tenga que mirar de cerca para juzgar. También decidí no revelar cuál es cuál, para crear conversación al ser expuestas en las galerías," dijo Dylan.


    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Esta provocadora iniciativa es la base del proyecto en desarrollo titulado "Rostros desnudos", que surgió de la pregunta "¿Qué nivel de expresiones faciales no verbales mostramos sin ser consciente de ello?" Su misión busca demostras que nuestras caras revelan más de lo que queremos decir o de lo que somos conscientes.


    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Este fotógrafo de Vancouver reunió voluntarios que se atrevieran a posar desnudos con el acuerdo de que la desnudez no se mostraría en las fotos o se publicaría. Y les retrató con el propósito de "demostrar las distintas expresiones faciales al tener ropa y no tenerla, captar la evidencia del impacto que algo tan simple como la desnudez tiene en las sutiles expresiones faciales."


    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    "Elegí que la gente estuviera desnuda porque buscaba vulnerabilidad honesta de los modelos. Les pedí que se quitaran todo y que no se maquillaran antes de venir. También les hice subirse a una caja, para darles una plataforma física y mental."


    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    En vez de fotos incómodas, vemos las reacciones honestas de la gente. "Las reacciones variaban desde reírse a gritar y hacer bromas." Algunos resultados son muy sutiles y otras son caras con un contraste total, cada persona tiene una emoción única en el rostro.


    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    "Escuché a la gente hablando sobre como se sentían durante las fotos. Algunos estaban orgullosos y emocionados, otros nerviosos, pero al entrar en el cuarto, algunas actitudes cambiaron. Algunos se volvían más confiados, otros al reves. Cuando se sentían incómodos y luego pasaban a estar contentos, supe que había llevado a cabo mi tarea."


    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    También, las reacciones eran distintas entre hombres y mujeres: "Había mujeres nerviosas que luego se mostraban orgullosas desnudas, había hombres que conozco y son muy ligones y luego tuvieron reacciones muy vulnerables. Mucha variedad, algo que pensé que pasaría."


    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Dylan planea expandir el proyecto, más allá del país incluso. "Espero adquirir más diversidad en este trabajo. Algo en Europa y Asia probablemente, salir de Norteamérica y ver más allá. De cierto modo espero que esto una a la gente, para que se den cuenta de que todos estamos en ese espectro de vulnerabilidad."


    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

    Dylan Hamm Reportar

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

    Dylan Hamm Reportar

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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    Photographer Takes Portraits Of People With And Without Clothes, Asks Viewers To Guess Which One Is Naked From Their Faces

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