Sentirte cómodo en tu propia piel es algo que a todos nos gustaría. Pero el camino es diferente para cada uno. Como mucha gente, Renata Neia ha tardado un tiempo en alcanzar cierto nivel de autoestima y amor propio. Esta mujer es secretaria y vive en Colinas do Tocantins en Brasil.

Renata ganó mucho peso tras su 2º embarazo, y esto comenzó a molestarle bastante, y comenzó a hacer dieta. Con el tiempo, Renata quiso controlar su progreso con fotos, pero también quería que fuera algo más divertido, así que empezó a posar como las famosas y a compartir las fotos en redes sociales.

Más información en: Instagram | Facebook (via brightside)


Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

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Para su sorpresa, triunfaron. Miles de personas apreciaron la honestidad de Renata y sus fans no paran de crecer. Hasta la actriz Giovanna Antonelli comenzó a seguirla, y Renata es fan suya. Lo mejor de todo esto es que ha servido para que Renata acepte su cuerpo y comience a sentirse bella tal y como es.


    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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    Brazilian Lady Recreates Posh Photoshoots To Point Out How Silly Some Of Them Are

    Renata Neia Reportar

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