Dejemos una cosa clara: la ducha puede ser un buen lugar para cantar a pleno pulmón, pero es aún mejor para hacer fluir esas ideas creativas. Piénsalo, estás en un espacio cerrado con agua cálida y reconfortante, y tu mente simplemente vaga por donde quiere. De repente, te das cuenta de que estás haciendo mucho más que lavarte el pelo sin sentido: estás permitiendo que tu cerebro encuentre brillantes pensamientos fugaces que no puedes esperar a compartir con los demás.


Hay un rincón en Reddit que espera ansiosamente que lo hagas. Permítenos presentarte el grupo online Shower Thoughts (Pensamientos en la Ducha), que sirve como la salida perfecta para compartir esas "epifanías en miniatura que tienes y que ponen de manifiesto las rarezas dentro de lo familiar". Con más de 24 millones de miembros, ha archivado una gran colección de momentos inesperados, divertidos y profundos.

Hemos buscado en la comunidad y hemos reunido algunas de las mejores gemas de sabiduría que podrían dejarte reflexionando todo el día, así que léelas a continuación. Vota las que más te han sorprendido y comparte con nosotros tus propias ideas en los comentarios. Cuando hayas terminado de reflexionar sobre esta recopilación, no dejes de consultar más pensamientos de ducha aquí y aquí.


35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    También en Bored Panda

    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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    35 Hilarious And Brilliant Realizations People Had In The Shower, As Shared By This Online Community (New Pics)

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