Actriz, comediante, escritora... Hay muchas formas de describir al fenómeno australiano de múltiples talentos que es Celeste Barber. Pero creemos que "divertidísima" le encaja bien.

Esta "Reina australiana de la comedia" es una fuerza natural en las redes sociales, tiene más de 7,6 millones de seguidores en Instagram y 3 millones en Facebook. No solo por su talento como actriz, sino por sus divertidas parodias de otras celebridades. Aquí debajo puedes ver algunas de sus nuevas imágenes y votar por las que más te gusten. Dinos qué te parecen en los comentarios y si se te ha pasado por la cabeza hacer este tipo de recreaciones alguna vez.

¿Eres fan de las divertidas fotos de Celeste? ¿Te han hecho reír? Pues si quieres ver más de su divertido sentido del humor, puedes hacerlo aquí.

Más información en: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | IMDb |



Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

celestebarber Reportar

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Esta actriz y comediante les da un giro con un toque propio a las glamurosas y elegantes fotos de celebridades. Y parece que ningún famoso está fuera de su alcance a la hora de parodiar sus fotos, lo que lleva haciendo desde 2015, cuando se volvió viral.

En realidad, las parodias de Celeste han sacado a la luz el doble estándar que invade las redes sociales. Por ejemplo, en Octubre de 2020, Instagram la acusó de que su foto semidesnuda recreando otra imagen de Candace Swanepool violaba las normas de la comunidad. Mientras tanto, la foto de la modelo no tuvo ningún problema y se pudo compartir libremente, no así con la de Celeste.

Tras llamarles la atención al respecto, Instagram se disculpó y dijeron que la restricción de esa imagen fue un error que iban a arreglar.


Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Durante el año pasado, Celeste logró muchas cosas. En Bloomberg cuentan que la recaudación de fondos que inició en Enero de 2020 consiguió más de 37$ millones para luchar contra los incendios forestales en Australia. Usó su gran influencia en redes sociales para convencer a la gente de que donara.

Y es que estos incendios fueron devastadores. Ardieron 186000 kilómetros cuadrados de tierra, y millones y millones de animales, sobre todo reptiles, perecieron. Más de 5900 edificios quedaron destruidos y al menos 34 personas perdieron la vida. Así que cada donación era importante.


Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Photos, And The Result Is Better Than The Original (New Pics)

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