Los niños son muy inteligentes. Sus pequeños cerebros son como esponjas y absorben los conocimientos, el lenguaje y las habilidades con una rapidez increíble. Pero otra cosa especial que tienen es que sus mentes aún no están contaminadas por los confines de la lógica. Si les dicen que Santa Claus da la vuelta al mundo en una noche y se mete por la chimenea, puede que les crean. ¿Por qué no les creerían? Los adultos lo saben todo, ¿verdad?


La actriz Daisy Haggard recientemente tuiteó un malentendido que tuvo con su hija de cuatro años sobre un viaje en ferry en lugar de en un fénix, e inspiró a muchos otros padres a compartir historias similares. A continuación, hemos reunido algunos de los malentendidos más adorables y divertidos entre niños y adultos para que los disfruten, y voy a ser sincera, me gustaría que la mayoría de estos niños tuvieran la razón. ¿Se imaginan viajar en un fénix? ¡Sería el mejor día de mi vida!

Asegúrense de votar por sus publicaciones favoritas, y cuéntennos en los comentarios si algún niño ha malinterpretado algo que hayan dicho. Si quieren ver más cosas divertidas que han dicho los niños, pueden mirar este artículo de Bored Panda.


    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

    KawaVulcanRider Reportar

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    Ya sea que esta lista les traiga recuerdos de sus infancias o les recuerde todas las veces que engañaron a sus hijos involuntariamente, esperamos que estén disfrutando de estos divertidos malentendidos. Sigan votando por sus tuits favoritos para que sus compañeros Pandas puedan ver los mejores, y luego dígannos en los comentarios si tienen alguna historia personal que podría haber entrado en esta lista. Y si quieren ver aún más cosas divertidas que han dicho los niños, pueden pasar a ver esta historia de Bored Panda.


    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

    amybuchwald Reportar

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

    mrs_mcgettrick Reportar

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

    OffTheMarkComic Reportar

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

    PaulNut Reportar

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

    FrauZeitlos Reportar

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

    ReallyJaneK Reportar

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

    LeahFHardy Reportar

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

    Bru060 Reportar

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

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    “My Son Has Been Bummed Since He Found Out That Firefighters Didn't Go Around Fighting People With Fire”: 50 Times Kids Hilariously Misunderstood Adults

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