Nuestros amigos felinos tienen muchas habilidades increíbles, que van desde la capacidad de levantarnos el ánimo, hasta la de cazar pequeñas criaturas para entregárnoslas como muestras de afecto. Además, son especialistas en estar cómodos o, por lo menos, en aparentar estarlo, incluso en aquellos lugares en los que otras mascotas difícilmente podrían encontrar algo de comodidad. Mucha gente se sorprende por los extraños sitios que eligen los gatos, y, justamente, esa es la razón por la que este perfil de Twitter se dedica a mostrar gatos en lugares curiosos.

¿Te has comprado un nuevo Galaxy Note 5? Pues es muy probable que tu gatito se acueste a dormir en su caja cuando menos te lo esperes. ¿Tienes una caja vacía de galletas? Posiblemente, tu gato ya se encuentre dentro de ella. Coladores, bolsillos, fregaderos, floreros e incluso manijas de puertas: todos ellos son lugares insólitos y perfectos para estos felinos. ¡Voten más abajo por aquellos que más llamen su atención!

Más información: Twitter



40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

catsplacess Reportar

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Parece que los gatos son una fuente inagotable de entretenimiento, sobre todo cuando se trata de meterse en lugares pequeños, huecos, cajas o jarrones y elegir el peor momento para hacerlo. El perfil de Twitter @catsplacess se ha convertido en la plataforma elegida por muchas personas para compartir sus mejores fotos y para hacer que los otros usuarios se diviertan. Este perfil cuenta ahora con más de 65,4 mil seguidores, que no hacen más que reír ante las ocurrencias de estos graciosos felinos.


40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

catsplacess Reportar

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

catsplacess Reportar

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

catsplacess Reportar

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

catsplacess Reportar

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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40 Pics Of Cats In Places They Shouldn’t Be, But They Are Because They Can, Shared By This Twitter Account

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Se Subio Al Pino De Nuestros Vecinos Duro 2 Horas Alla Arriba Porque Habia Unos Pajaritos Y Ella Los Queria Para Jugar Con Ellos.


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También en Bored Panda

Subida En El Arbol De Los Vecinos.


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Gatita En El Arbol De Los Vecinos.


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