Hasta el momento sabemos que los gatos duermen en parras, pinos, cerezos, cajas de pañuelos, lavabos, copas, botas de invierno, terrarios, macetas y tendales... dejémoslo ahí por el momento. Si no te suena, echa una ojeada a nuestras anteriores recopilaciones de gatos dormidos.

Pero cuando creíamos que ya eramos expertos en este departamento, surgieron las fotos de gatos durmiendo juntos, en las más extrañas posturas, como si fueran figuras de globitos pero peludas..

"Si retorciéramos el cuerpo como ellos, estaríamos incómodos o doloridos, así que no podemos dormir en tales posturas," explica Celia Haddon, experta en comportamiento de gatos. Debajo puedes leer la entrevista y votar por tus fotos favoritas.



40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

lifonaut Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

Estaba leyendo en la cama anoche cuando me di cuenta de que mi marido y los gatitos de acogida se habían quedado dormidos así. Reportar

"Los gatos mantienen a sus amigos cerca y a sus enemigos a distancia. Es natural en ellos distanciarse socialmente de desconocidos. En los hogares también, porque son "conocidos", no amigos. Los gatos que no se caen bien, nunca se dormirán tocándose."

Trudi Atkinson dice que los gatos que son parte del mismo grupo social, a menudo duermen acurrucados juntos. "No todos los gatos que viven juntos se consideran en el mismo grupo social que sus compañeros."


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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online


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"La columna vertebral de los gatos rota más que las nuestras, y tienen discos almohadillados entre las vértebras. Su clavícula no está unida a los hombros, sino que estos están unidos al cuerpo con músculos y no huesos." Esto explica su flexibilidad.


40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online


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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

fuji_ayako Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online


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"Si hace frío, los gatos amigos probablemente duerman con más amigos y con contacto. Nosotros nos sentiríamos incómodos y doloridos si intentáramos dormir así."

Con la edad, tienen más cuidado con donde duermen, porque a veces tienen artritis y necesitan más comodidad.


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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online


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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

Hay 4 camas para 3 gatos y hacen esto

RegEvrydayNormlFungi Reportar

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"A los gatos les gusta dormir con sus humanos porque damos calor, somos como mantas eléctricas para ellos". Además, sus instintos les avisan para que no les aplastemos dormidos, y sus ronroneos nos ayudan a relajarnos.


40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online


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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

Me los encuentro así casi todos los días

_punk_ass_ Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online


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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

redonculous Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

Parecen un solo gato largo

NerdyConspiracyChick Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

arbredebleu Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

spydiddley404 Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online


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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

trio_of_tonks Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

sxz4ZXq3Dhrds1H Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

Hay 3 camas para gatos.

Annrose18 Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

midorimushi8969 Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

sleepygamer92 Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

AJABON Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

kobonona Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

snoweagle831 Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

sibuscalaverdad Reportar

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40 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Such Weird Positions, They Just Had To Share The Pics Online

Abrazos aromáticos

mmaireenehc Reportar

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