La variedad de rarezas felinas no tiene precedentes. Hay gatos muy dramáticos, gatos que duermen raro, gatos que dejan de funcionar... Pero, ¿y si te contamos que estas bolitas de pelo también desafían las leyes de la física?


Desde rebotar por las paredes a las 3 de la mañana como un astronauta en el espacio a practicar para ser Spidergato, estas fotos cancelan la gravedad, la mecánica, la velocidad de la luz... lo que sea. Tienes que verlo para creerlo, y seguro que después no vuelves a mirar igual a tu propio gato.


40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

El gato de Schrödinger

karenvonstrauss Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well


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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    joshmccrillis Reportar

    "Las garras de los gatos son curvas, así que las pueden usar para escalar. También son retráctiles, así que pueden no tocar el suelo con ellas. Por lo tanto, pueden trepar directamente hacia arriba, si hay algo en lo que puedan clavar las garras, como un tronco o una pared no demasiado lisa. Pero una superficie lisa en ángulo de 90º sería demasiado," cuenta Celia Haddon.


    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well



    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    flexes_weird Reportar

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    "También pueden saltar 6 veces o más su propia altura desde un punto de apoyo. Esto es gracias a la relativa longitud de sus patas traseras y su peso."


    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    Unknown Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well


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    "Sus claviculas no están fijadas a otros huesos en su esqueleto (en humanos están unidas a los huesos del pecho y del hombro). Además, tienen 30 vértebras, más unas 18-23 en la cola. Los discos intervertebrales están almohadillados, por eso su columna es tan flexible."


    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well


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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    bigfatgato Reportar


    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    AmbientGoat Reportar

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    Elizabeth Goenaga
    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 4 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    mishu: es que se había ido la gravedad y pues yo no quería ir a volar


    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    Smithsonian30 Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    Ha saltado hasta ahí arriba

    fwacking Reportar


    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    Stuckurface Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    dancho-garces Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    Vo1x Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    fcbRNkat Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    Mohdhajji Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well


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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    MissNicolicious Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    Melgod13 Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    AlexandraRae_ Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    griter34 Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    Gabethegreek Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    kobachiya Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    werewolfchow Reportar


    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    punchahyourbuns Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    sample_material Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well


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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    Inspektor4speed Reportar

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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well


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    40 Cats Who Decided That Disobeying Their Owners Is Not Enough So They Defied The Laws Of Physics As Well

    dylan_smith58 Reportar

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