El amor es amor, y así ha sido desde el amanecer de los tiempos. Sin embargo, en el pasado era más difícil navegar por las dinámicas sociales, mucho más que hoy. Las relaciones entre parejas del mismo sexo se veían como un pecado, eran reprimidas por la ley y mecanismos judiciales, y eran condenadas con penas de muerte incluso. Por suerte, vivimos en unos tiempos en los que las parejas gays y lesbianas pueden casarse legalmente. Y para celebrar el aumento de bienestar de estas comunidades, un antiguo sacerdote, el padre Nathan Monk, ha recopilado una serie de fotos antiguas que muestran el aspecto de las parejas homosexuales en el pasado.


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Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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"Encontré las fotos en internet a través de un par de publicaciones. Las compartí porque creo que es importante recordar a aquellos que vinieron antes que nosotros, los que lucharon y se esforzaron por vivir su auténtica vida. Creo que es importante recordar que las personas LGBTQ+ siempre han sido parte de la sociedad, y siempre lo serán. Esa realidad debería ser aceptada con cariño en vez de acallada y ridiculizada."


    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    El padre Nathan Monk dice que es importante saber y reconocer que estas personas aún sufren discriminación, prejuicios y homofobia. "Aunque es algo que sienten todos los LGBTQ+, es más peligroso para los que sufren pobreza e indigencia. Una persona trans que vive en la calle tiene más posibilidades de ser rechazada en refugios y programas de apoyo, es más probable que sufra ataques físicos y acoso, junto a otros peligros. Tenemos que seguir contando estas historias y realidades hasta que todo el mundo tenga un lugar seguro al que llamar hogar."


    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Aunque el padre Nathan Monk ya no es sacerdote, aún dedica su tiempo a hacer de la Tierra un lugar mejor para todos.

    "Soy el autor de 2 libros: Chasing the Mouse (Persiguiendo al ratón) and Charity Means Love (La caridad significa amor). Ambos hablan de la pobreza y la indigencia. En la actualidad llevo un refugio para indigentes y una institución educativa. Los fines de semana viajo a distintas comunidades para discutir soluciones a estos problemas."


    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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    Tired Of People Claiming That Gays Never Existed Until Now, Person Collects 31 Pics As Proof That They Did

    Father Nathan Monk Reportar

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