El fotógrafo holandés Dick Van Duijn tiene talento para capturar la belleza de la fauna. Sus fotos son tan hipnóticas como increíblemente adorables. Tiene 34 años y sus obras son muy populares, con más de 46200 seguidores en Instagram. Hace poco, ha triunfado en internet con sus encantadoras fotos de ardillas terrestres oliendo flores.


Para alegrarte un poco este día de otoño, aquí tienes algunas de las fotos de animales más bellas de Van Duijn. Disfrútalas, vota por tus favoritas y coméntalas. También tienes una entrevista con el fotógrafo donde habla de su trabajo.

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"Yo veía fotos de estos adorables animales hechas por otros fotógrafos, y quería hacerlas yo mismo. Como me encantan las flores y los animales, intenté combinarlos. Siempre busco cómo captar la naturaleza de una forma que no la afecte."

"Había muchas ardillas curiosas, así que no fue difícil fotografiarlas, pero captar así a una, con la flor, requirió mucha paciencia. En cuanto la olió y metió su cara en ella, supe que era una foto única en la vida."


    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    "Solo tienes que empezar a fotografiar la fauna y naturaleza en tu propia zona y practicar y experimentar mucho. Cuando seas un maestro fotografiando tu propio entorno, ve a otros países y explora."


    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

    Dick van Duijn Reportar

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    Van Duijn se crió en Noordwijk, en la costa holandesa, y comenzó a trabajar en la pescadería de sus padres tras graduarse. Se compró su 1ª cámara hace 8 años, tras decidir que necesitaba una "salida creativa".


    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

    Dick van Duijn Reportar

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

    Dick van Duijn Reportar

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

    Dick van Duijn Reportar

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

    Dick van Duijn Reportar

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

    Dick van Duijn Reportar

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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    Photographer Captures The Precious Moments Of What Happens In Nature When No One's Around (30 Pics)

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