Modifying cars can be a fun and exciting way to make your vehicle truly your own, but sometimes, things can go horribly wrong. The Instagram page "[Messed] Up Looking Cars" has a collection of cringe-worthy examples of car owners who took things a little too far. From a giant hamburger-looking vehicle to another car with some duct-taped parts, these modifications will make you question the taste of some enthusiasts.


With that being said, it's a cautionary tale for car enthusiasts everywhere, a reminder that sometimes less is more when it comes to customizing your ride. So, if you're considering a mod for your car, it's best to think twice and take a look at some of the most popular tweets to avoid making the same mistakes as these unfortunate car owners. 

Also, make sure to check out part 1 on Bored Panda if you'd love to see more tweets from this account!

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40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    A la hora de modificar tu coche, es importante recordar que no se trata sólo de darle un aspecto atractivo, sino también de asegurarte de que no infringes ninguna ley, pones en peligro la seguridad o reduces el valor de reventa. Es como jugar a la "ruleta de las modificaciones": nunca sabes lo que te va a tocar.

    Lo primero es lo primero: asegúrate de que no infringes ninguna ley con tus modificaciones. Desde el tamaño de los neumáticos hasta la altura del vehículo, hay muchas leyes que debes tener en cuenta. Y créeme, no querrás ser el tipo (o la tipa) a quien detengan con una modificación ilegal.


    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    La seguridad también es una gran preocupación a la hora de modificar tu coche. Claro, ese alerón puede hacer que tu coche parezca listo para la pista de carreras, pero también puede hacer que sea más difícil de manejar a altas velocidades. Y ese escape ruidoso puede sonar bien, pero podría ser peligroso para los peatones, especialmente para los que tienen problemas de audición.


    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    Y no nos olvidemos del valor de reventa. Algunas modificaciones, como un nuevo trabajo de pintura o una mejora del rendimiento, pueden aumentar el valor de tu coche. Pero otras, como los kits de carrocería personalizados o las llantas del mercado de accesorios que no son populares entre los compradores, podrían dificultar la venta de tu coche en el futuro.


    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    Por último, recuerda que modificar tu coche es una gran inversión, tanto de tiempo como de dinero. Asegúrate de elegir modificaciones que merezcan la pena y no te limites a seguir las últimas tendencias. Porque, seamos realistas, esos spinners pueden haber sido geniales a principios de la década de 2000, pero ahora son sólo un recordatorio de una elección de moda cuestionable.


    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    victor garcia
    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 2 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ya escucho a un guitarrista metalero echando fuego por el mastil a lo lejos

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    También en Bored Panda

    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    40 Times People Ruined Their Cars With Dumb Mods, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Pics)

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    También en Bored Panda