Si alguna vez has navegado por la salvaje tierra online conocida como Facebook Marketplace, ya sabes lo que te espera. Entre los muchos artículos puestos a la venta aquí por gente cualquiera, las posibilidades de encontrarse con algo extraño, cuestionable o divertido son bastante altas. Consulta algunos ejemplos ilustrativos en los artículos anteriores de Bored Panda aquí y aquí.

Así que, por supuesto, te vienen a la cabeza muchas preguntas. Desde "¿en qué demonios está pensando este vendedor?" hasta un simple "¡¿quién es esta gente?!", los extraños anuncios de Facebook Marketplace proporcionan un entretenimiento como ningún otro.

Incluso hay todo un grupo de Facebook dedicado a, en sus palabras, "compartir posts de gente que toma malas decisiones con sus anuncios". A continuación hemos seleccionado algunos de los más divertidos, ¡así que sigue leyendo!


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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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También en Bored Panda

This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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This Online Group Is Sharing Posts Of ‘People Making Bad Decisions With Their Ads’, And Here Are 30 Of The Funniest Examples

Idiots of FB Marketplace Reportar

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