El instituto puede llegar a ser de los mejores años de tu vida. Sobre todo si vas al instituto North Farmington en Michigan, donde los estudiantes tienen gran libertad para expresarse. Por ejemplo, tienen una tradición anual que cada año que pasa, se vuelve viral en internet.


Los estudiantes de último año de North Farmington se disfrazan de personajes de películas, reales o de cultura pop, para las fotos de sus carnets, y los resultados son divertidísimos. Así que prepárate para echarte unas risas, y votar por tus favoritos. Dinos cuales te parecen más originales y si te han dado ideas para disfrazarte en Halloween.

Y si quieres más, puedes ver las anteriores aquí.


This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

El robo de identidad no es una broma, Jim. Millones de familias lo sufren cada año.

JordanPaholak Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Buenos días, me llamo Russel y soy explorador de la naturaleza en Tribu 54.

    jbjon9951 Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Esperando ser un ogro en el instituto

    Fiona_Godfrey12 Reportar

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    Nadie sabe como se formó esta idea, pero en 2013 unos estudiantes de último año hablaron con la administración del instituto al respecto.


    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    only_kaybear Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Yo buscando la motivación para graduarme

    MorganBroughto4 Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    hannahhulett11 Reportar

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    Empezó como algo divertido y acabó convirtiéndose en un "rito" y un fenómeno en internet. Cada año, estos carnets con sus fotos se vuelven virales.


    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    ¿Alguien ha dicho crack?

    c_klarc Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Prefiero quedarme atrapada en una torre que en clase.

    megangesse Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Ven a jugar con nosotras... para siempre...

    theresediako Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Hola Harry.

    sanjanak_1 Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Vota para que se acabe el último año de instituto

    deanalekman2 Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Flirtea un poco. Guiña el ojo un poco

    anikasharmaa Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Un mundo ideal...

    kamii__bb Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Hasta los profesores se han apuntado.

    NFGirlsBB Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Tribu del agua

    Robert_Koh_ Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Es leviOsa, no leviosA.

    snarins1 Reportar

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    También en Bored Panda

    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    La vida se mueve muy rápido. Si no te paras de vez en cuando y miras lo que te rodea, podrías perdértelo.

    Di11Pickles Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Hay una serpiente en mi bota.

    MilesWarner15 Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)


    abby_derocher Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Los chicos y yo a punto de alcanzar el status de celebridades en Twitter.

    _nmistry_ Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Saltarme en la universidad y dedicarme a cultivar remolachas.

    NoahHarvey13 Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Soy una mujer negra, VALE, me merezco respeto.

    KelseyAyee Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    "Sé que has visto mi mensaje."

    angelinayldo01 Reportar

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    Este Año De Clase Es Muy "Pesado" Doc

    Este año las clase son muy "pesadas", doc Reportar

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    ¡wakanda Por Siempre!

    ¡Wakanda por siempre! Reportar

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    El Mundo Nunca Debe Volver A Confundir Compasión Con Debilidad

    El mundo no debe volver a confundir compasión con debilidad. Reportar

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    "Quiero Ir A Casa"

    Quiero ir a casa. Reportar

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    Te Quiero 3000

    Te quiero 3000. Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    Nos vamos de compras.

    jordanhammaren Reportar

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    This High School Allowed Seniors To Wear Costumes In Their Student IDs, Probably Didn’t Expect A Result Like This (30 New Pics)

    ¡Ni siquiera soy rubia de verdad!

    isabel_9255 Reportar

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