Estamos rodeados de diseño, todos los días, en todo lo que vemos o hacemos. Ya sea que se trate de muebles dispuestos estéticamente, azulejos de baño visualmente agradables o alfombras hermosas pero originales, instintivamente sabemos cuándo los diseños se ven bien. Y también nos damos cuenta de inmediato cuando estas ideas se ven mal, cuestionables o simplemente feas. Siempre nos damos cuenta.


Verás, mientras que algunos proyectos podrían haberse visto muy bien en el papel, a veces se ejecutan de la peor manera posible. Podría ser el resultado de un trabajo manual horrible, falta de comunicación o ciertos atajos que los artesanos creían que tenían que tomar. Cualquiera que sea la razón, estas ideas problemáticas dejan a los usuarios finales con una necesidad abrumadora de compartir su confusión con el mundo.

Echa una ojeada a la cuenta de Instagram llamada Tipical Rykozhop, un lugar donde las decisiones de diseño y construcción atroces tomadas por manos de profesionales poco cualificados encuentran su hogar. Bored Panda ha recopilado algunas de las "soluciones" de construcción y reparación de peor calidad de la cuenta, ¡así que sigue desplazándote y juzga por ti mismo! Y si estás de humor para más locuras de construcción, eche un vistazo a nuestras compilaciones anteriores aquí y aquí.

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35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    Casi todos tenemos esa vocecita en la cabeza que nos avisa cuando vemos algo que simplemente no pinta bien. Es casi como un instinto: si no puede usar algo de manera efectiva, probablemente haya algún problema con su diseño o ejecución. La cuenta Tipycal Rykozhop está aquí para demostrar que no todo el mundo nace con manos mágicas cuando se trata de construir o arreglar cosas..


    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    Las personas pasan años estudiando y practicando para convertirse en especialistas en su campo, desde arquitectos y diseñadores hasta contratistas y trabajadores regulares. Entonces, mientras ojeas esta compilación de imágenes, notarás que algunos profesionales son menos hábiles que otros. Diablos, tenemos niveles de burbuja y cuadrados de medición por una razón, por lo que parecen tener un talento para fallar tan gravemente.

    Pero no importa cuánto se esfuercen los diseñadores y constructores, no importa cuánta planificación pongan en el proyecto, algunas cosas están destinadas a salir mal.


    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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    35 Construction Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account (New Pics)

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