Los gatos ... están en todas partes. Los ves siguiéndote en las calles. Los ves mirándote desde la pantalla de tu computadora. Tus amigos te envían mensajes de texto con imágenes de gatos mientras estás en una conferencia o en el trabajo. Incluso los ves cuando miras a otros animales y cosas al azar.


Bueno, a menos que alguna vez te hayas topado con la página de internet "Koty Vezde" ("Los gatos están en todas partes") en Instagram. Si no lo has hecho (e incluso si lo has hecho), te espera un verdadero placer. Hemos recopilado las mejores, más divertidas y divertidas imágenes de animales al azar y cosas con caras felinas peludas.

Así que ve a prepararte una taza de té caliente saludable y prepárate para levantar el ánimo. Mientras miras lo que podría decirse que es la forma de arte más elevada jamás concebida por la humanidad, vota a tus favoritos y deja un comentario explicando qué gatos híbridos te encantaron y por qué. Asegúrate de compartir esta publicación con cualquier persona que creas que podría estar teniendo una semana difícil. Estamos seguros de que te lo agradecerán.

More info: Instagram | VK


Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    La cuenta de Instagram "Los gatos están en todas partes" sigue siendo aun reciente pero se está volviendo bastante fuerte, ya que ha captado la atención de más de 2,000 devotos seguidores.

    Puede que esto no parezca mucho para algunos de vosotros, pero no se trata sólo de contar seguidores: lo que realmente importa es la calidad del contenido. Con más de 187 publicaciones en Instagram, estamos seguros de que la página nos seguirá trayendo fotos divertidas.


    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

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    Según National Geographic, el ADN antiguo muestra que los gatos se domesticaron. Lo que demuestra lo independientes que son incluso en cuestiones de renunciar a su libertad.


    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

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    Aparentemente, los gatos vivieron miles de años junto a las personas antes de ser oficialmente domesticados. Y durante todo ese tiempo, sus genes apenas cambiaron de los de los gatos monteses. Por supuesto, aparte de un factor: los lindos puntos y rayas del atigrado.


    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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    Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat's Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

    koty_vezde Reportar

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