En el gran esquema de decisiones, o quizás elecciones de moda cuestionables, siempre hay un rincón especial reservado para camisetas que te hacen mirar dos veces. Se puede encontrar una camiseta que dice: "No puedo tomar 'Benadryl' porque le debo dinero al hombre del sombrero y no quiero verlo". Y para ser honestos, es la combinación perfecta de absurdo y específico, lo que hace que todos se pregunten de dónde salen este tipo de prendas.


Se pueden encontrar muchos más ejemplos de este tipo en una página particular de Instagram llamada "Shirts that go hard", ya que la página recopila camisetas interesantes, peculiares y divertidas de todo el mundo. ¿No nos crees? ¡Compruébalo tú mismo!


35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

Si eliges a un payaso, espera un circo

shrtsthatgohard Reportar


    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    No soy Jack Black

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    ¿Cómo murió Jesús por mis pecados si aún sigo pecando?
    (además eso fue hace 2000 años)

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    ¿Te parezco plana?

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Me serviría matarratas a mi mismo antes que servir a este país

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Espero que tu maltratador se muera.

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Queda igual de guay cuando lo haces tú.

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    andrea valeria sanchez
    Miembro de la comunidad
    Hace 1 año DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Siendo justos, el mono y el batracio sí se ven bastante geniales.

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Ojalá la vida tuviera sentido DRAMATÚRGICAMENTE

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    No tengo pronombres (no te refieras a mi)

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Cada día es un nuevo horror.
    Dios, ¿por qué yo?

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Elvis está muerto. Sinatra está muerto. Y yo no me siento muy bien.

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    He decepcionado a esas personas en mi vida que más quiero

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar

    También en Bored Panda

    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Si no puedes soportarme en lo peor, lo siento, por favor, no me dejes.

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    No puedo tomar Benadryl porque le debo dinero al hombre del sombrero y no quiero verlo.

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    También en Bored Panda

    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Lo siento princesa, solo salgo con mujeres que me apuñalarían.

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar


    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Respeto tanto a las mujeres que nunca me acuesto con ellas

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    También en Bored Panda

    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Filadelfia: donde los débiles son asesinados y devorados.

    shrtsthatgohard Reportar


    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Soy una pesadilla gorda y gay, Y VOTO.

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    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)


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    También en Bored Panda

    35 Times People Were So Surprised By A Shirt They Saw In Public, They Just Had To Document It (New Pics)

    Descansa en paz, princesa Diana

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