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Ask pandas to do something awesome
"Hey Pandas, Draw A Dragon”
"Hey Pandas, Post The Funniest Picture Of Your Pet"
Ask pandas to do something awesome
"Hey Pandas, Photoshop This Photo Of A Cat"
"Hey Pandas, Insert This Dog Into A Movie Scene"
Ask pandas to do something awesome
"Hey Pandas, Photograph Your City At Dusk"
"Hey Pandas, Take A Picture Using Golden Ratio"
Post a clear and direct question
"Hey Pandas, What Should Never Have Been Invented?"
"Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Terrifying Moment Of Your Life?"
Ask pandas to describe the image
"Hey Pandas, What Did NYPD Officer Say On The Phone?"
"Hey Pandas, What Joke Did This Comedy Genius Puppy Tell?"
Set some rules
"The rules are simple: 1. Draw on sheet of paper 2. Don't use any computer software"
Give some additional information
"This cute screaming kid with a raft on his head is too hilarious not to photoshop him into a more appropriate environment.”
Set some rules
"Don’t forget to specify the location where the picture was taken"
Hey , what do you want to create?
Submit Your Work
Text with images: "I Created 10 Comics About Cats", "My Dog Saved My Life"
Submit your work Ask A Question
Text-based questions: "Hey Pandas, What's Your Biggest Secret?"
Ask a question Ask a question Create A Challenge
Image-based questions and challenges: "Hey Pandas, Post The Funniest Photo Of Your Cat", "Draw A Dog And Post The Result"
Create a challenge Create a challenge Share Your Story
Your personal story: "Hey Pandas, AITA For Getting Mad At My Brother-In-Law Over Expensive Treats I Bought For My Kids?"
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Tu publicación debería tener una descripción.
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Título de la publicación
1. Sé personal
"He hecho esta X con materiales X"
"Encontré este X hoy en la oficina"
2. Haz que sea descriptivo
En vez de "Dibujos increíbles", escribe "Dibujos hiperrealistas hechos con un bolígrafo BIC".
Publicar descripción
1. Sé único
Tu texto debe ser único y no haber sido publicado anteriormente en otros sitios
2. Sé personal
"He hecho este [X] usando [X] porque quería [X].", "Tardé [X] horas en acabarlo y lo más difícil fue [X]...".
For security reasons post submissions are hidden!//=__("Ooops... You can't upload more than 150 images.", 'boredpanda')?>
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