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61 Common Things In These People’s Countries That Are Very Rare In Others

61 Common Things In These People’s Countries That Are Very Rare In Others


People count out loud the number of fouettés in the theater at the live performance of Swan Lake.


In Cuba, due to reasons too long to explain but definitely having to do with communism, classical ballet is a popular art form in the sense of «not bourgeois». So the social composition of the crowd that comes to the theater for the classical ballet is not what you would expect in any other country. Mix that with natural latin irreverence and what happens is that people have ended up cheering the ballet dancers as if it was a sport. In particular, in the classical choreography of Swan Lake, there is a point where the black swan does about 30 fouettés or so and the crowd (that has seen the choreography before) goes like «ONE! TWO! …. SIXTEEN! SEVENTEEN! … THIRTY!!»



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